Al Tariqa Al Alawiyya.
Summery notes from Al Alawi order of Darqawi-Shadili Tariqa.
Compiled with the permission of Sheikh Khaled Bentounes; the legal Sheikh of Al Tariqa Al Alawiyya- MOSTAGHANEM
In the name of Allah Most Merciful and Compassionate.
Al Tariqa Al Alawiyya.
I) Introduction:
It was called after it’s founder-the great Soufi Master- Sidi Aboul Abbas Ahmed Ibn Mostafa Al Alawi, Known as Ibn Olaywa. It is a branch from the continuous chain of masters, back to the Prophet MOUHAMMED (Allah bless him and give him peace). So, it is connected with the Darqawi-Shadili- chain (Silsila).
But it happened as it was the habit of Sufis to call the tariqa after the name of it’s luminous righteous Masters. Sheikh Al Alawi (born 1869 died 1934), so it is called- Al Tariqa Al Alawiyya-
This Tariqa was founded 1914, and from the beginning it had met the arrogances and ingratitudes. Sheikh Al Alawi had suffered many obstacles and scornes. But he went ahead to filfull his goal, to serve his Seigneur (Allah).
He struggle with great serenity and with his knowledge, with his sincere attitude, he gained the battle.
His tariqa is not only spiritual, but it is also renaissance-an uprising- to spread the valuable values of Islam. It was the first tariqa in North Africa, which had established newspapers, the first was-LISAN AL DIN-1923, in Alger’s, the –AL BALAGH AL JAZAIRI-1926. Those two newspapers served as milestones to the new generations, they served the nation, the Islam and the culture. They discussed several cultural arts, political attitudes and spiritual education.
Yearly symposium had been held in Alger’s and in Mostaghanem, aiming to rebuild the Algerian society, to regain his spiritual knowledge and to solve many social problems’. These conferences were continuously held up to now.
Sheikh Al Alawi had built many Zawias all over the world, wrote many books, like Alminah al quddusiyya fi sharh al murshid al muin bitariqa al sufiyya-and- Meftah ash shouhoud, Al Bahr al masjour-the Diwan (poems) etc…
They are about twenty books (all of them printed). Sheikh Al alawi (may Allah be well pleased with him) died in 1934.
Succeeded by the pioneer of reform, the master of spiritual education- Sidi Adda BENTOUNES born 1898 died in 1952, he was agreat Sufi master. He looks like his teacher Sheikh Al Alawi and wended him convenantly, he gathered all the heritage of his teacher, wrote Ar rawda Assania as a biography of Sheikh Al Alawi, then Fakk el Okal (book in Arabic grammar) then Wikayet el dekirine, a book defending Sufism.
Sheikh Adda (may Allah be well pleased with him) died in 1952, succeeded by his elder son Sheikh El Mahdi BENTOUNES, born in 1928, died 1975, he was a great recitator of Koran, highly intellect Imam. He had had his own spiritual reflections, a sincerely advisor of Islam, courageous man, he took part in the Algerian revolution against France.
Sheikh El Mahdi (may Allah be well pleased with him) died 1975.
After Sheikh El Mahdy, the spiritual leadership was transferred to his successor Sidi Khaled BENTOUNES, born 1949; he is a very intelligent man. Truthful and fully conveyed his message, this message (going forward without forgetting originality). He participated in many international conferences specially that of (UNESCO), he built the centre of (DEBDABA) as a residence of confluent to encourage his fell-owers to take part in all cultural and spiritual fields. He wrote two books (Sufism is the heart of Islam) and ( the inwardly man as to be seen in the light of Koran)
Knowing the path (Tariqa):
It is the continual travelling with convenant certitude and attachment of the heart to Allah most high, it is the transformation of the soul with highly spiritual sincerely illuminating the heart with love and knowledge of Allah to realise the perfect man.
It is based on the concepts , love (Mahbbah), sincerity (Ikhlas) and glorification (Taadhim) according with:
- Devotion (Ibada) worshiping.
- Attitudes (Mouâmalat).
- Belief (Aqida).
This travelling must be led by the Sheikh who guides the disciples in the path, sometimes aided by Muqaddams.
Travelling begins with : Al Ahd
1)The engagement (Al Ahd) (Al Wassila) the origin of this engagement is taken from the allegiance of the followers of the messenger of Allah (all benedictions and salutations of Allah be on him).
In Alhudaybiyyah Pact [ Verily those who swear fealty to you are only swearing fealty to Allah. Allah’s hand is above theirs (Koran 48-10). The important conditions are: - mental and heartal certitude in what the Sheikh represents to the disciple. After that the disciple goes solemnly with respect to perform the (oath) the allegiance is ended and the disciple submits his spiritual development to him (to the Sheikh).
2) The gathering of disciples (ALJAMAA): it is a Majlis (gathering) of disciples in one area, in one time, to take part in the “dhikr”, they must have the intention that they will gain the benefits of the gathering, they must be well dressed (in white) pure, ready to hear and obey (works are only according to intentions, Muslim 3.1515). The interring to the Majlis with respect, setting in line solemnly without any movement.
The Dhikr begins with the wird ( a disciple is seldom better than his daily works). The wird is one of the greatest means for attaining perpetual presence with Allah. The wird is to recite “the wird” of the tariqa as the following:
1. The recite of Surat Alwakiâ (Ending with: O Allah you made the pray on the Prophet as sacrement gift to you, I ask you with every pray benedicated on him from the first creation to your endless perfections).
2. The forgiveness (Isteghfar) begins with I seek refuge in Allah, from the accursed Devil one time then (in the Name of Allah, most Merciful and Compassionate- three times. Then you recite (what ever you send a head for yourselves of good, you shall find with Allah is better and greater in reward, and ask Allah’s forgiveness, verity Allah is oft forgiving and compassionate-Koran73:20-).
Then you say I ask Allah forgiveness one Hundred times- at the end of the one hundred you say (I ask forgiveness of Allah the living, the ever subsisting and I repent to Him).
3. Pray and bless for the Prophet: you say ( verily Allah and his angels bless the Prophet, O you who believe; Bless him and pray for peace for him- Koran 33.56-). Then you say O Allah bless our liege lord Muhammad your servant and messenger, the unlettered prophet and his folk and companions, and grant them peace, one hundred times.
4. Al haylala: you say, “ Allah testified that there is no god but He, and the angels and the knowers of him, insisting in justice, no god but He”, then you repeat one hundred times there is no god but He, without co sharer, the owner of the world, all praise and the omnipotent on every thing one hundred times.
5. Al hamdalah: you say: “ all praise to Allah who guide us to this (Din) if not we will never be converted except the conduct of Allah, then you say- All praise be to Allah and thankfulness-“ one hundred times.
Then one recite Surat Al Ikhlass (Koran112), three times, and prays for oneself, ones’ parents one’s Sheikh all the Sufis and for all Muslims.
6.Samâa: (Mystical songs):
After “ Al wird”, begins the mystical songs (Samâa), in this Samâa, the disciple must concentrate all his efforts in what he hears and pays attention to the meanings.
7.Al Moudhakara: the evocation: The Sheikh or the Mokaddam or one of the authorised person evocate a lecture in a definite subject generally in spiritualities or in social problem’s.
8.Mystical dance (Al Hadra-Al Imara): It is not obligatory to be held, it happens when the great name (Allah) is mentioned with high spiritual transcendence, reaching the summit of this sensation and with the Sheikhs signal, all the disciples stand as a circle pronouncing the “ Al Jalala Name- The Chest name”. This Hadra has it’s Adab (rules), as the following:
1- It must begin with the Sheikh or Mokaddam order.
2- The circle of disciples- who are linked hand by hand- the right hand upon the left hand of the other disciple, closing the eyes, guarding strictly the rhythm of the movement.
3- The pronunciation of the Chest Name ( HAA “Al Jalala”) from the chest, which includes all the body.
4- The disciple must be soft, easily obeying- the central man ( Al Kotbania man) specially in moving ones from place to another.
5- It ends with the Sheikh or Mokaddam order (permission) then they pray to the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace), to the Sheikh, to the all fokaras and all Muslims.
Then the recites some the Koran then they recite Al Lotfia (a very effective mystical poem in Sheikh Al Alawi Diwan).
Important notes:
1) Tea is offered to all presents beginning with the Sheikh, this has it’s Adab, the drinking must be without noise.
2) Visiting the graves (Dareeh) of the Sheikh begin with (Assalam) whispering with high respect, then reciting some of the Koran secretly if alone – but if the disciples are several, they recite loudly.
3) The mystic visits ( Seyaha), disciples visit each other- in the same town- or set up journeys to visit their brother’s in different cities or villages.
4) Different activities, which include symposiums or conferences in special memorandum, commemorative the Master’s of the Tariqa.
5) The qualifications of the disciples:
a- having a valid aim in taking the Tariqa, seeking Allah alone nothing else.
b- To submit, to listen and follow his Sheikh.
c- He must have praise worthy states such as patience generously kindness.
d- Not to impose on anyone except one self.
e- To venerate Allah and his messenger’s and his ( Awliyâ) the lovers of Allah.
f- Not to be pride in the Tariqa or trying to impress other’s with it.
g- To have total certainty that he is taking the path of Allah to reach Allah and Allah will complete with success all his destiny.
Finally, I want to say that this pocket book is a very limited summery of the Tariqa rules; forgive us if there are faults.
Respectly yours.
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